Concepts of Infotypes- Structure and Processing

An infotype represents a group of related data fields, provides information structure, facilitates data entry, and allows time dependent storage.

In other words we can say infotypes are information units used to enter the time dependent data of the employee.

Master data in HR is stored in infotypes. Each infotype pertains to a specific type of data.Each infotype has a database table associated with it.

Time constraints: Enable you to determine how the validity periods of infotype data records interact

Time constraint 1: Exactly one valid data record of the infotype in question must exist for the entire time that the employee belongs to the enterprise.

Time constraint 2: No more than one valid data record of the infotype in question can exist at any one time.

Time constraint 3: Any number of valid data records of the infotype in question can exist at any one time.

The prerequisites for the existence of a personnel or applicant number are infotypes 0000 Actions, 0001 Organizational Assignment, 0002 Personal Data, and 0003 Payroll Status.

Transparent tables for infotype

Each infotype has a transparent table. Each logical field for an infotype has a corresponding physical field on the database.
One physical table is stored on the database for each transparent table. The names of the physical table and logical table definition in the Dictionary are compatible.

The following naming convention applies to infotype tables; nnnn stands for the infotype number:

  • PAnnnn for transparent tables in Personnel Administration

  • PBnnnn for transparent tables in Recruitment

  • HRPnnnn for transparent tables in Personnel Planning

Example: For Infotype 0000, the corresponding database table associated with it is PA0000

Check and Control Tables for HR Infotypes

Check and Control Tables for HR Infotypes

Table T777D Infotypes - Dialog/Database Assignment is the central check table (domain
INFOTYP) for all HR infotypes (Administration and planning infotypes). It is used to store the names of all infotype-dependent repository objects (tables, structures, programs, and so on).

Table T77ID Infotypes: Enhancements to T777D is simply an enhancement of table T777D that exists for reasons of memory space.

Table T582A Infotypes - Customer-Specific Settings is used for customer settings in
Administration infotypes.

Table T77CD Infotypes - Customer-Specific Settings is used for customer settings in planning

The primary key of transparent table PAnnnn consists of the following key fields:

PERNR: the personnel number is the only unique key within a client for identifying an
employee. It is used to access the display and maintenance screens for an employee’s
master data and working time data (infotypes).

SUBTY: subtypes are subdivisions of infotypes. An infotype’s subtypes can have different
time constraints and form their own histories.

OBJPS: the object identification is used to make a distinction between records with the
same infotype, subtype, lock indicator, start date, and end date. For example, the child
number in infotype 0021 Family/Related Person.

SPRPS: the lock indicator for HR master data is used to lock and unlock data records,
which enables the “double verification principle” to be put into practice. In accordance with
this principle, at least two users are involved in the process of writing an active data record
to the database. One of the users creates a locked infotype record, and the other user
unlocks - that is, activates - the data record.

ENDDA: end date.

BEGDA: start date.

SEQNR: The Sequential Number is used to make a distinction between infotype records
that have the same key and time constraint '3' (any number of valid infotype data records
at any one time). Unlike the object identification, it is assigned by the system automatically.


The Data Dictionary contains a Pnnnn structure for each infotype nnnn. The infotype structure
Pnnnn corresponds to the table PAnnnn. The Pnnnn structure of the infotype is used as the field
structure for the infotype entry screen (Transaction code PA30).

Basic form of an infotype:

Infotypes nnnn [name c] [occurs m] [mode n] [valid from comp1 to comp2].
nnnn can be 0000 to 9999.

0000 – 0999 are HR Master Data infotypes.
1000 – 1999 are HR Planning data infotypes.
2000 – 2999 are HR time data infotypes.
3000 – 8999 are not used
9000 – 9999 are used for the custom infotypes

Effect of the above syntax is

It creates an internal table as below...


If name option is not given in the syntax then the internal table will be created with the name

If occurs clause in not given then the size of an internal table would be 10 * size of the
structure pnnnn. That is in the place of ‘m’ it would be 10.

If valid clause is not given then the comp1 and comp2 values will be 01/01/1800 and
31/12/9999 respectively.

Mode n this clause can only be used with the LDB’s PCH and PNP. This addition stops this
infotype being automatically filled at the GET PERNR command.

The infotype records can be processed using the infotype structure when the report is run.

Processing Infotypes

Processing Single Infotype Record

We can process the Single records of an infotype using the following macros.

This macro is used to retrieve the most recent record in the PN-BEGDA and PN-ENDDA data
selection period available in the structure Pnnnn for infotype nnnn

This macro retrieves the earliest record for the given selection period.
If the infotype has subtypes, then replace SPACE with the subtype so, the data is retrieved based on
that subtype. If the retrieval is successful then the return code PNP-SW-FOUND will be ‘1’.

Processing All Infotype Records


nnnn stands for 4-digit infotype number. The relationship between the data and the selection period
is established using the PN-BEGDA and PN- ENDDA variables.

Infotype List
