Report Output via Email html format

Sometimes we need to send a mail to vendor for pending materials. In our system we have a list of that and we are reading that data set from the application server. Now most of the time that list doesn’t contain proper Vendor name. So we need to call vendor master table to get proper vendor name and then prepare an internal table for that. Now the list may contain multiple vendors as well. The mail will be shooting to a particular vendor and the list of the pending materials will be for that particular vendor only. Hence the function module for mail sending will be inside the loop of vendor list.

In the following program we have developed a mail sending scenario by which a mail will be sent to vendors for pending materials. The mail contains a specific format where we have created a table to show the list of pending materials. Here we need to incorporate HTML code inside the internal table.

The input file inside the application server is as follows:

The required Code:


         vend_code TYPE lfa1-lifnr,
         vend_name TYPE string,
         mat_code  TYPE string,
         mat_desc  TYPE string,
         qty       TYPE string,
         color     TYPE string,
       END OF ty_inp.
DATA: wa_inp TYPE ty_inp,
      it_inp TYPE TABLE OF ty_inp.

DATA: wa_out TYPE solisti1,
      it_out TYPE TABLE OF solisti1.

TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_lfa1,
         lifnr TYPE lfa1-lifnr,
         name1 TYPE lfa1-name1,
         name2 TYPE lfa1-name2,
         adrnr TYPE lfa1-adrnr,
       END OF ty_lfa1.
DATA: wa_lfa1 TYPE ty_lfa1,
      it_lfa1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_lfa1.

TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_adr6,
         addrnumber TYPE adr6-addrnumber,
         smtp_addr  TYPE adr6-smtp_addr,
       END OF ty_adr6.
DATA: wa_adr6 TYPE ty_adr6,
      it_adr6 TYPE TABLE OF ty_adr6.

DATA: file_name TYPE char100 VALUE 'D:\SUM\abap\Vend_req.TXT',
      text      TYPE string,
      wa_rec    TYPE somlreci1,
      it_rec    TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1,
      subject   TYPE sodocchgi1.

  PERFORM read_dataset.
  PERFORM get_vendor_details.
  PERFORM mail_output.

*&      Form  READ_DATASET
*       text
FORM read_dataset .

    READ DATASET file_name INTO text.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

    IF sy-index <> 1.
      SPLIT text AT '|' INTO wa_inp-vend_code

          input  = wa_inp-vend_code
          output = wa_inp-vend_code.

      APPEND wa_inp TO it_inp.
      CLEAR: wa_inp, text.
  CLOSE DATASET file_name.

*       text
FORM get_vendor_details .

    SELECT lifnr name1 name2 adrnr
      FROM lfa1 INTO TABLE it_lfa1
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_inp
      WHERE lifnr = it_inp-vend_code.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_lfa1 BY lifnr.

*&      Form  MAIL_OUTPUT
*       text
FORM mail_output .

    LOOP AT it_inp INTO wa_inp.

      ON CHANGE OF wa_inp-vend_code.
        wa_out-line = '<html><body><p><strong><u>'.
        APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
        CLEAR: wa_out.

        READ TABLE it_lfa1 INTO wa_lfa1
        WITH KEY lifnr = wa_inp-vend_code

        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          CONCATENATE 'Following materials are pending from Vendor:'
                      wa_lfa1-name1 wa_lfa1-name2
                      INTO wa_out-line SEPARATED BY space.
          APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
          CLEAR: wa_out.

          wa_out-line = '</u></strong></p>'.
          APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
          CLEAR: wa_out.

      wa_out-line = '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody>'.
      APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
      CLEAR: wa_out.

      ON CHANGE OF wa_inp-vend_code.
        wa_out-line = '<tr><td><p><strong>Material</strong></p></td>'.
        APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
        CLEAR: wa_out.

        wa_out-line = '<td><p><strong>Description</strong></p></td>'.
        APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
        CLEAR: wa_out.

        wa_out-line = '<td width="100"><p><strong>Qty</strong></p></td></tr>'.
        APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
        CLEAR: wa_out.

      SHIFT wa_inp-mat_code LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
      CONCATENATE '<tr><td><p align="right">'
                  INTO wa_out-line.
      APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
      CLEAR: wa_out.

      CONCATENATE '<td>' wa_inp-mat_desc '</td>'
                  INTO wa_out-line.
      APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
      CLEAR: wa_out.

      CONCATENATE '<td width="100"><p align="right">'
                  INTO wa_out-line.
      APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
      CLEAR: wa_out.

      AT END OF vend_code.
        APPEND INITIAL LINE TO it_out.
        wa_out-line = '<br>This is auto generated mail so don''t reply.</body></html>'.
        APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
        CLEAR: wa_out.

        subject-obj_descr = 'Pending Material'.
        wa_rec-receiver = ''.
        wa_rec-rec_type = 'U'.
        wa_rec-express  = 'X'.
        APPEND wa_rec TO it_rec.
        CLEAR: wa_rec.

            document_data              = subject
            document_type              = 'HTM'
            put_in_outbox              = 'X'
            commit_work                = 'X'
            object_content             = it_out
            receivers                  = it_rec
            too_many_receivers         = 1
            document_not_sent          = 2
            document_type_not_exist    = 3
            operation_no_authorization = 4
            parameter_error            = 5
            x_error                    = 6
            enqueue_error              = 7
            OTHERS                     8.

        REFRESH: it_out, it_rec.
        CLEAR: wa_lfa1, wa_inp.


The Mail Output:
