Waybill is a bill which is generated in the government website for transporting finished goods material from one state to another state...
DATA :  rtab  TYPE  RANGE  OF  mara - matnr ,       wtab  LIKE  LINE  OF  rtab . SELECT  matnr  FROM  mara  INTO  TABLE  @DATA ( t_mara...
Field symbol is like a pointer which we use in C language. Field symbol doesn’t hold any memory. It only points to that memory location. ...
In the following program I have entered an excel with data. Now I need to pass this excel into SAP system. The data will be converted int...

ALV Block List Report

In the following program we have used ALV block list approach for some materials and their description. REPORT  zsr_test  NO  STANDARD  ...

Modal Dialog BOX

In the following example we are creating a module pool program where a Modal dialog box will be implemented. There is a selection screen ...